Our Approach

On a retainer or an as-and-when basis, offering a unique combination of top level industry experience and track record, a no-nonsense and user-friendly style, and rational, value-based fees.

How we work

Eden Legal wants to work with clients as a team. Ideally our objective is to help introduce a legal process into decision-making and doing good business, and not just to fix problems that have already occurred (but do also call us for that).

Eden Legal wants to be on the same side as you – regarding business objectives, culture, fees, timing, availability and accountability. Such a relationship of trust and loyalty depends on Eden Legal fulfilling its pledges. From your side we also have some requests in relation to fairness and collaboration. We think this is right and sensible but if you don't agree then maybe we are not the team member you are looking for.

Industry knowledge – we get it

Online, mobile, TV, telecoms, software, apps, adtech, funding, crypto. Digital business is all Eden Legal does.

What is law for digital business? Partly there is “digital law” – software licensing, electronic communications and e-commerce regulations, hacking, data protection and e-privacy. On the other hand digital businesses have to work with “traditional law” affecting all businesses – contract law, corporate law, employment law, defamation, agency law, advertising law.

Eden Legal is in the business of solving business problems (not legal problems).

Eden Legal has the experience to (i) pick out the real practical risks for your business; and (ii) know what to fight for and what is unimportant.

Eden Legal can speak to regulators in a language they understand and advise on the enforcement environment and current areas of particular risk. We have seen most things before and can help you plan and react in an effective and unfazed way with minimum disruption and maximum benefit to your business.

Easy to work with – legal services, your way

Eden Legal knows what tl;dr means. You won't get memos or long attachments from Eden Legal. Short emails, yes. Phonecalls, yes. Instant messaging, yes. Video conference, yes. The cloud, yes (with your permission).

We understand that business won't wait.

Eden Legal will come to you if required. Eden Legal will answer (or return) your calls, emails, IMs.

Some service providers work in their way, “new ways” or “the right way”. Eden Legal believes the best way is your way.

Eden Legal's pledges

  • Eden Legal will do our best for you;
  • Everything you tell us is confidential;
  • Eden Legal will return your calls/messages;
  • Eden Legal will avoid unnecessary complications;
  • Eden Legal will bill fairly and transparently;
  • Eden Legal will be accountable and solve any issues with the service in an open and professional way;
  • Eden Legal will not take on anything we can't do - if we need outside help we will engage it - with your approval.

Value Based Billing – billing where we're on the same side

Eden Legal is in the business of solving problems not billing hours. Hourly rates are an outdated form of billing. Eden Legal has hourly rates and maybe for a trial or occasional project this suits you (though, honestly, normally this only suits us…).

Fixed fees based on hourly rates or blended rates are also not true value-based billing.

Eden Legal applies a unique proprietary system of value-based billing because:

  • Hourly rates may distort incentives and put our interests out of line – why should be it to Eden Legal's benefit (and your detriment) the longer a project takes?
  • Why should routine work cost you the same as revenue-generating work?
  • You and Eden Legal want to work with budgets that are simple and predictable.
  • Eden Legal's system is based on relationship and trust building – our interests are aligned not in conflict, and you are encouraged not penalized for sending more work.

So Eden Legal's fees are based on simple calculations:

  • For projects intended to generate revenue (or which involve a major expenditure, or which are connected with a dispute) (i) a fixed basic amount plus (ii) a percentage the revenue that the project is expected to generate (or amount of the expenditure or dispute);
  • For routine non-revenue generating projects: a substantially lower rate to cover costs;
  • A fixed monthly retainer;
  • Special fixed-fee packs (e.g. the Start-Up pack; the Commando pack; the New Leaf Pack; the Vitamin E pack).

Yes, Eden Legal has hourly rates which you can happily work with. But we think you'll prefer working on one of the other systems, which we'll tell you about on request.

What Eden Legal expects from you

Eden Legal aspires to be in a mutually beneficial relationship with you. By avoiding billing systems based on billable hours Eden Legal believes that you will feel comfortable in calling and consulting us more rather than less. Eden Legal offers care, skill and attention. But also requires some give and take.

Eden Legal expects:

  • to get to know you: you will give us disclosure and access to your business as needed
  • to have as few surprises as possible: you should tell us and involve us at an early stage in your future projects
  • to work with you as a team: e.g. you also need to read documents
  • you to accept and understand our Terms of Business
  • to get your attention where required: e.g. if there are signatures needed we'll help you understand and address your concerns, but you'll need to help get them
  • to be paid on time: That. Please.
  • you to be open about your financial position: as a supplier, in fairness we need to know (and as a business partner might be able to help).